The posts I didn’t write

My poor little blog is feeling a bit neglected, but I’ve been pretty busy and my brain is apparently not in the mood to conjure up any useful and inspiring content. So here, for a bit of Friday fun, are some the blog posts I could have (had I but words enough, and time) written lately:

Working from home: editing while your seven-year-old composes a new song inexplicably called “Holders”.

The curse of a developmental editor: how becoming too attuned to pacing ruins your enjoyment of certain pop-culture events.

Troubleshooting Microsoft Word: why is it acting like a massive tit?

The control freak’s guide to organising an event with eight other people.

Starting conversations on social media – just mention cake!

Editing envy: how to cope when the characters you’re working with are living their best lives but you’ve been wearing the same jogging bottoms for four days.

Managing cash flow: getting through the month on seven pence when you know you have five outstanding invoices that are all due the day after the bills are.

Freelance health: how many biscuits are too many?

Effective blogging: start seventeen draft posts, discard ideas for twenty-three more, then end up posting nonsense like this.

1 thought on “The posts I didn’t write”

  1. Ha – “Troubleshooting Microsoft Word: why is it acting like a massive tit?” I did actually write a blog post on what to do when Microsoft Word just won’t blooming well WORK out of fury once!

    Also I transcribe for a very posh magazine and used to edit a v posh yacht club magazine and would regard self in cat-hairy trackies and wonder if that’s what my clients QUITE envisaged …

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